Annual Legislative Update
Get current information on the following and more!
-Virtual Meetings
-Reduced Adjourned Quorums
-Potable Water & Non-Functional Turf
-Board Email Discussions
This program was coordinated by: James Harkins, Esq., Cane & Harkins LLP, and Racheal Solomon, Nordberg|DeNichilo, LLP.
Registration will be closed on Friday, November 3rd at 5:00 p.m.
The education portion counts for 1 continuing education unit toward earning your PCAM designation and maintaining your CMCA certification and AMS designation. Visit for details. Registered attendees must check in at registration and pick up their name badge to be awarded CEUs for this event.
By registering for and/or attending any CAI-OC event, I understand that publicity photographs and/or videos may be taken. I hereby give permission that photos and/or videos containing my likeness may be used. CAI-OC has a no-tolerance policy regarding suitcasing, please see the chapter website for more information about these policies.
Hilton Orange County/Costa Mesa
3050 Bristol St.
Costa Mesa, California
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